17 February 2017

from Lawrence, SUNDAY PhiloMadrid meeting at 6:30pm: Our mission in life?

Dear Friends,

This Sunday we are discussing: Our mission in life?

We have two short essays, one by Alicia and shorter one by me:

---- Alicia -- HOW CAN I IDENTIFY MY PERSONAL MISSION ?. (Alicia del
Hierro Barcina).
The future depends on us: want is power. Everything in this life goes
through something and we have to adapt to the circumstances. We are
responsible for the decisions we make but not for chance. The family and
social environment will determine how our life will be in the short and
long term.
Alex Rovira in his story The Seven Powers, "If you think you cannot, you
cannot. If you think you dare not, you will not. If you think that you
are defeated, you are ... The battle of life is not always won by the
strongest man, the most agile or the fastest, but the one who believes
he can do it. "

Nietzsche had already said something similar: "Who has a reason to live
can withstand almost any how"
In order for your personal mission to be considered as such, you must
meet four requirements:
1st requirement
Our mission must be beneficial to society; it must have the character of
public service and brimming with generosity towards all those around us.

2nd requirement
Our personal mission has to cause our best personal abilities (skills
and talents) to emerge, not only to be put into practice, but to develop
and empower.

3rd requirement
Our mission must be based on integrity and ethical values that respect
your will and the freedom of those around you.

4th requirement
Our personal mission must balance our lives and not cause us to
destabilize ourselves and others on the way to its achievement.

Before we leave Earth, we will define our personal mission.
• When you are not, how would you like to be remembered? Why action or
work would you like to be remembered?
• What problem or aspect of the current society would you like to change?
• In what area or doing some activity you feel happier?
• What are you good at? What do you stand out for? What are your most
personal talents or abilities that make you different from others?
• If you had your life resolved and your basic and economic needs
covered, what would you like to dedicate your life to.
It is very important to visualize your goals and objectives.
Positively viewing our personal mission helps to create in our
subconscious the ideal conditions to behave and act directing all our
actions and initiatives in pursuit of our mission.
Visualization is also an effective means to avoid the fears and doubts
that in the route towards our goal and objectives can arise avoiding
that the most widespread disease currently in our society, the
"skephophrenia" in our society ... a disease that we all suffer in More
or less and that provokes in us that, every day and before any challenge
or simple activity, we emit the expression "I would do it, but esque now
I have much work", "it seems interesting what bad esque would not be able".

After You Have Reflected About This Issue You May Be Interested To Know
What Your Mission Is By Consulting The Numbers.

According to the number theory that guides our life, we have a definite
mission. Finding it will make us feel better, more fulfilled and
fulfilled. In addition, the professions that best suit each personality.
The numerological study is not only important to know our personality
but also allows us to obtain the key that brings us closer to the
knowledge of our mission in this world. The state of peace and harmony
is achieved only when we are absolutely certain that we are complying
with what is established.
The mission reflects where we are going, what it is that we come to
fulfil. Why did we come to this life? What did we learn? It is the route
to follow to realize spiritual and material fulfilment.
It marks the path to happiness because, in attuning ourselves to our
higher purpose, with what we came to learn, all roads automatically
begin to open up: the path of love, the road to prosperity, the road to
success in all its manifestations. In these cases, we find it much
easier to express satisfaction with life and there is a kind of
reconciliation with all that we have had to live before finding this
path of perfection that is the fulfilment of the mission. How to
recognize it?
To know our mission we must add our date of birth and reduce the result
to one digit. This number is calculated by adding each of the absolute
values of the full date of birth: day, month and year.
For example, if someone was born on July 6, 1982, you will add: 0 + 6 +
0 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 2 = 33, continue to reduce 3 + 3 = 6, the mission
for this person is to perform the Number 6 in its positive aspect.
Only the positive aspects of the number corresponding to the mission are
taken into account because precisely what we come to work, does not
affect the negative of the number (because, logically, we do not come to
learn anything negative).


--Lawrence -- Our mission in life?

We might group this question with a few other questions relating to
life. I am thinking of questions such as: what is the meaning of life?
What is the purpose of life? Where do we come from? What is our destiny?

"Our mission in life?" is a question that is slightly different from the
others, mainly by identifying ourselves as responsible for this so
called mission; we set the mission and we are responsible for the
success of our mission. And by mission we might mean objective or goal;
something we aspire to or wish for.

But how much are we responsible for what we want? There is no question
that we are quite responsible for what mission we set for ourselves. But
there is also a difference between wanting some kind of mission and
achieving that mission. There is no causal connection between wants and
wishes on the one hand and achieving what we perceive to be a clear

One of the reasons why the causal chain is weak or even nonexistent is
that sometimes we just don't know what it takes to bring about
something. And this can be because we know "What" we want and not "How"
to get what we want. And sometimes what we think is our mission or what
ought to be our mission is just something that is not practical.
Missions are more than just wishes, they need to have a realist chance
of do-ability.

An equally important reason why missions fail is that there are many
outside factors that influence and change the course of events that
would thwart us to achieve or fulfil our mission. Thus knowing how to
achieve what we wish for or knowing what it takes to achieve what we
want, can help up a lot to neutralise external influences.

And finally, we can stand a better chance of fulfilling our mission in
life if we were realistic and reasonable about what we want for a
missio. Although success flies on the wings of ambition, realism can
take us a long way indeed.

Best Lawrence
tel: 606081813
philomadrid@gmail.com <mailto:philomadrid@gmail.com>
Blog: http://philomadrid.blogspot.com.es/
PhiloMadrid Meeting
Meet 6:30pm
Centro Segoviano
Alburquerque, 14
28010 Madrid
Metro: Bilbao
Open Tertulia in English every
Thursdays at Triskel in c/San Vicente Ferrer 3.
Time: from 19:30 to 21h

from Lawrence, SUNDAY PhiloMadrid meeting at 6:30pm: Our mission in life?

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