20 April 2020

PhiloMadrid meetings by Skype 6:30pm Sunday 26th: Is this an era of changes or a change of era?

Dear friends,
Since we haven't discussed the topic "Is this an era of changes or a change of era? (Felipe)" maybe we should do so this Sunday 26th 6:30pm. This topic is the last of the themes regarding the Pandemic crisis.
If you wish to write an essay or comments please send me your text as soon as you have it ready or link to your blog/Google Doc so I can put them on the PhiloMadrid blog.
If this is your first time joining the meeting please let me know to send you the Skype link.  
Best and take care
Telephone/WhatsApp: 606081813
Email: philomadrid@gmail.com
PhiloMadrid meetings by Skype 6:30pm Sunday 26th: Is this an era of changes or a change of era?

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