27 May 2024

PhiloMadrid social meeting: Saturday 1st June 2024 at 17:00pm the Retiro terraza, Casa Remigo

PhiloMadrid social meeting: Saturday 1st June 2024 at 17:00pm the Retiro
terraza, Casa Remigo

Dear Friends,

On the 1st June, Saturday, we're meeting for a social get together at
the Retiro: details below.

Date: Saturday 1st June 2024

Place: Retiro at the terraza (Casa Remigo) on the right from the main
gate (Puerta Real). Google Maps approx:

Time: 17:00pm or 5:00pm at the terraza, but I'll be there a bit early to
make sure we get a table.

Best and take care

telephone/WhatsApp: 606081813
Email: philomadrid@gmail.com

PhiloMadrid social meeting: Saturday 1st June 2024 at 17:00pm the Retiro
terraza, Casa Remigo

26 May 2024

PhiloMadrid Skype meeting: Wed 29th May at 8:00pm: Conflict + News

Meeting at the Retiro 1st June Saturday. I'll send details in a separate

Dear friends,

Our next meeting is on the 29th May, and we are discussing: Conflict

I haven't been able to write anything for the meeting, but if mange
something I'll post on the blog at http://www.philomadrid.com .

The topic is from a list of topics in September 2005; things haven't
changed much in twenty years!


- Book by Asuncion

Title: Timeless Joyce

Author: Asuncion Lopez Varela Azcarate

Description: 2022 marked the 100th anniversary of the publication of
James Joyce's Ulysses.

This book is a celebration of Joyce's text and of the aspects that make
his masterpiece timeless.

Structured under the inspiration of Brancusi's spiral image, 'Symbol of
James Joyce', the volume shows Joyce's play in two movements: a
centripetal move towards unity, using myth, analogies and
correspondences and a centrifugal force, with a cunning mixture of irony
and unanticipated turns, where the dream of unity is shattered and the
text resonates in multiple directions, manifesting its diversity through
forms of duplicity and double coding. ……….more details from the AMAZON
link or NEWS link

Available at Amazon


Past News:

-Diego: Manifesto: The Beehive Complex: Dare to Dance in the Dark and
Rejoice in the Most Astonishing of Illusions.

-Un giro en el aire Lucinda Maxwell (Teresa)

-Julian Martelli passed away early in October this year, 2022

-Jorge Free Distribution: Evolution of Thought and its Influence on
Society and Technology

-Oscar: "Toranzo, 88 ilustraciones y coplillas"

Details here:



Please let me know if you need the Skype link: preferably by WhatsApp.

Best and take care

telephone/WhatsApp: 606081813
Email: philomadrid@gmail.com

PhiloMadrid Skype meeting: Wed 29th May at 8:00pm: Conflict + News

12 May 2024

PhiloMadrid Skype meeting: Wed 22nd May at 8:00pm: Our beliefs about 2050

Dear friends,

Our next meeting will be on the 22nd May, because this coming Wednesday
it's a holiday.

We are again discussing: Our beliefs about 2050

I came across one of my past notes and one of the topics that was
proposed was predicting the future, hence I thought about our topic for
Wednesday. I'll continue with our list for the following week!

I haven't really written an essay for the topic but did post some ideas
about what I was thinking….

Our beliefs about 2050


- Book by Asuncion

Title: Timeless Joyce

Author: Asuncion Lopez Varela Azcarate

Description: 2022 marked the 100th anniversary of the publication of
James Joyce's Ulysses.

This book is a celebration of Joyce's text and of the aspects that make
his masterpiece timeless.

Structured under the inspiration of Brancusi's spiral image, 'Symbol of
James Joyce', the volume shows Joyce's play in two movements: a
centripetal move towards unity, using myth, analogies and
correspondences and a centrifugal force, with a cunning mixture of irony
and unanticipated turns, where the dream of unity is shattered and the
text resonates in multiple directions, manifesting its diversity through
forms of duplicity and double coding. ……….more details from the AMAZON
link or NEWS link

Available at Amazon


Past News:

-Diego: Manifesto: The Beehive Complex: Dare to Dance in the Dark and
Rejoice in the Most Astonishing of Illusions.

-Un giro en el aire Lucinda Maxwell (Teresa)

-Julian Martelli passed away early in October this year, 2022

-Jorge Free Distribution: Evolution of Thought and its Influence on
Society and Technology

-Oscar: "Toranzo, 88 ilustraciones y coplillas"

Details here:



Please let me know if you need the Skype link: preferably by WhatsApp.

Best and take care

telephone/WhatsApp: 606081813
Email: philomadrid@gmail.com

PhiloMadrid Skype meeting: Wed 22nd May at 8:00pm: Our beliefs about 2050

05 May 2024

PhiloMadrid Skype meeting: Wed 8th May at 8:00pm: Our beliefs about 2050

Dear friends,

This Wednesday we are discussing: Our beliefs about 2050

I came across one of my past notes and one of the topics that was
proposed was predicting the future, hence I thought about our topic for
Wednesday. I'll continue with our list for the following week!

I haven't really written an essay for the topic but did post some ideas
about what I was thinking….

Our beliefs about 2050


- Book by Asuncion

Title: Timeless Joyce

Author: Asuncion Lopez Varela Azcarate

Description: 2022 marked the 100th anniversary of the publication of
James Joyce's Ulysses.

This book is a celebration of Joyce's text and of the aspects that make
his masterpiece timeless.

Structured under the inspiration of Brancusi's spiral image, 'Symbol of
James Joyce', the volume shows Joyce's play in two movements: a
centripetal move towards unity, using myth, analogies and
correspondences and a centrifugal force, with a cunning mixture of irony
and unanticipated turns, where the dream of unity is shattered and the
text resonates in multiple directions, manifesting its diversity through
forms of duplicity and double coding. ……….more details from the AMAZON
link or NEWS link

Available at Amazon


Past News:

-Diego: Manifesto: The Beehive Complex: Dare to Dance in the Dark and
Rejoice in the Most Astonishing of Illusions.

-Un giro en el aire Lucinda Maxwell (Teresa)

-Julian Martelli passed away early in October this year, 2022

-Jorge Free Distribution: Evolution of Thought and its Influence on
Society and Technology

-Oscar: "Toranzo, 88 ilustraciones y coplillas"

Details here:



Please let me know if you need the Skype link: preferably by WhatsApp.

Best and take care

telephone/WhatsApp: 606081813
Email: philomadrid@gmail.com

PhiloMadrid Skype meeting: Wed 8th May at 8:00pm: Our beliefs about 2050

Our beliefs about 2050


Our beliefs about 2050


By Lawrence


This is not an exercise in predicting the future but rather, how far can our beliefs stretch into the future. There is nothing unusual about predicting the future, since scientists can easily make forecasts about certain aspects of nature that turn out, more or less, to be true.


Many of us are not scientists, and those that are do not necessarily conduct their everyday beliefs and opinions about the future using the scientific method. Nor is the objective of our exercise to imagine what 2050 will be like, but how far our beliefs today can be valid, but not necessarily true, about society in 2050.


So, why 2050? Although 2050 seems a long time from now it is only 26 years. Twenty six years is practically an average generation, and most of the people alive today would still be alive in 2050.


For example, it would be reasonable to believe that the National Spanish Female football team would win the world cup at least twice by 2050. Even by 2050 these athletes cannot expect to be lured by the sirens of big money anytime soon, unlike their male peers. Hence, they will still be focused on their sport and not on some “macho” lifestyle.


Compare this with say health care in the most deprived countries in Africa. Corruption and exploitation of Africa were there twenty six years ago and for good measure they were also there fifty years ago. So it is quite reasonable to believe that there won’t be a reliable health care system in the most deprived countries in Africa.


First of all, the modern idea of a country is an anathema for Africa mainly because the continent was historically divided by tribal territory usually heavily influences by natural barriers such as rivers, mountains and deserts. And secondly, the aging populations in western countries and the neo liberal economy model creep in general requires cheap labour hence it makes no sense for this economic model to develop heath care and education in these deprived countries.


Best and take care




telephone/WhatsApp: 606081813


Email: philomadrid@gmail.com







PhiloMadrid Skype meeting: Wed 8th May at 8:00pm: Our beliefs about 2050