17 July 2020

PhiloMadrid on Skype 6:30pm Sunday 19th July: Alienation in everyday life

Dear Friends,
This Sunday we are discussing: Alienation in everyday life
This is a topic we can easily identify with, but as I argue in my very short essay feelings shouldn't be enough to determine whether we are being alienated.
Alienation in everyday life
Reminder: please pass the message to others:
In the meantime Oscar (JoseOscar) has sent me the Amazon link for his book where you can also find details about it:
El Virus de Wuhan: 44 garabatos y ripios  de un confinado en Madrid
If you have any issues about the book please contact me and I'll pass your message to Oscar.
Finally, the Skype Meeting is on Sunday 19th July at 6:30pm: if you don't have the link already please send me a message. In the meantime sometimes new members have problems connecting to Skype. Having the desktop version helps, and the mobile phone version is also useful. For some reason Skype fails to connect via a browser.  Other times you might need to restart your PC, but once you connect there is no problem.
Best and take care
telephone/WhatsApp: 606081813
Email: philomadrid@gmail.com
PhiloMadrid on Skype 6:30pm Sunday 19th July: Alienation in everyday life

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