09 July 2021

PhiloMadrid on Skype 6:30pm Sunday 11th July: 20th and 21st Century democracy (cont)

Dear friends,

This Sunday we are we are continuing with the subject: 20th and 21st
Century democracy.

This subject offers many options and topics for discussion that we
decided to continue this Sunday. In the meantime Sara has sent us an
image from the internet and proposed the following questions:
Sara - Image

Above the known quote on eternal historical return.
And some questions:
Is it always finally like that?
If so, is there a way to avoid fatality?

Some other issues we can discuss are: Democracy in later years of the
21st century; Education; Equitable voting systems; democracy as a tool
for dictatorships etc etc.

The topic was proposed by Clara and is a follow up from the meeting on:

How much is too much democracy?

Alberto kindly prepared an essay for us on his Blog:

Essay by Alberto
The difference between democracies in the 20th and 21th century

Sara has sent us a link to a documentary on Swiss democracy:

Fragmento del episodio de Salvados, "Ciudadano Klínex". (in Spanish)

In my essay I take the view that at the end very little has changed
between the 20th century and the first quarter of the 21st century:

Essay by Lawrence
20th and 21st Century democracy

In the meantime you can link to the current news and notices here:

-Alfonso has a new website and he gave us link to his latest book of
poems: Después

-Oscar's book on his reflections on COVID-19 is still available

-David J. Butler has published a new book "Absent Friends" regarding the
Cementerio Británico in Madrid

Finally if you have problems with Skype try launching it again if you
have the App or browser. Send me a message for the link.

Best and take care

telephone/WhatsApp: 606081813
Email: philomadrid@gmail.com

PhiloMadrid on Skype 6:30pm Sunday 11th July: 20th and 21st Century
democracy (cont)

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