27 January 2022

PhiloMadrid on Skype 6:30pm Sunday 30th January: Is our language adequate for today?

Dear friends,

This Sunday we are discussing: Is our language adequate for today?

I proposed this essay because I believe that there are more serious
language issues in our day to day language use than just learning a
second language or translations. In my essay I ask a simple question:
how many people died during the pandemic because they didn't know the
meaning and function of "vaccine"?

Is our language adequate for today?
Topic/essay by Lawrence

Finally please send me a message for the Skype link and if you have
problems with launching Skype try again. Please note we do not use the
video to save on mobile phone batteries for those connecting with a
mobile phone.

telephone/WhatsApp: 606081813
Email: philomadrid@gmail.com

PhiloMadrid on Skype 6:30pm Sunday 30th January: Is our language
adequate for today?

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