31 March 2022

PhiloMadrid on Skype 6:30pm Sunday 3rd April: Bullying (cont) + News

Dear Friends,

This Sunday we are continuing with our topic Bullying which was proposed
by Ines.

Last Sunday we covered the topic in very general terms although we did
spend some time discussing bullying and children. We might next consider
for example bullying in the work place, not to be confused with mobbing,
or international politics but these are just ideas.

Best Lawrence

Links below

Bullying + News from Mariona

Dear friends,

This Sunday we are discussing: Bullying.

We can safely say that we are all familiar with Bullying which Ines
proposed for our meeting. In my short essay I question whether our
understanding of bullying is adequate.

Bullying by Lawrence

In the meantime Mariona has asked us if we can help her with her thesis:
Hi! I am currently working on my university thesis. I am studying how
users feel about hyper personalization (consumer data) and the impact
these have on their identity. You can choose to answer the questionnaire
in Spanish or English, select your preferred language at the beginning.
Thanks in advance! Mariona

Link to the survey:

Finally, if you have problems with Skype try launching it again if you
have the App or browser. Send me a message for the link. Please note we
do not use the video to save on mobile phone batteries for those
connecting on a phone.

Best and take care

telephone/WhatsApp: 606081813
Email: philomadrid@gmail.com

PhiloMadrid on Skype 6:30pm Sunday 3rd April: Bullying (cont) + News

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